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Review Sanders County Fair, Plains PRCA Rodeo, Demo Derby & Levi Blom Concert

Average Attendee Reviews


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Course: 2.0/5
Organization: 2.5/5
Fair was great, SKIP the Rodeo and Derby

Not the first time at this fair, which by the way has always been very enjoyable. This was our first time watching the rodeo and demo derby. Very disappointing!!! The clown was awful, absolutely could not entertain or "stall" a crowd. He was bad the first night and imagine our disappointment when lo and behold he's honing his skills at the demo derby also. You know it is bad when the crowd starts the "wave" and keeps it going. I hear through the grapevine that this is not the quality of rodeo and demo derby of past years. So we may try again. But if anyone out there is looking for a good rodeo to go to try Superior Rodeo. They have put on a great show for the last 6 or 7 years for half the money.

1/2 found this review helpful.
Sanders County Fair, Plains PRCA Rodeo, Demo Derby & Levi Blom Concert

2025 Sanders County Fair, Plains PRCA Rodeo, Demo Derby & Levi Blom Concert Info

Purchase 2025 Sanders County Fair, Plains PRCA Rodeo, Demo Derby & Levi Blom Concert Tickets

All Sanders County Fair, Plains PRCA Rodeo, Demo Derby & Levi Blom Concert Reviews

Course: 2.0/5
Organization: 2.5/5
2023 Rodeo Review
Review On:2023-09-06 18:16:27
Fair was great, SKIP the Rodeo and Derby

Not the first time at this fair, which by the way has always been very enjoyable. This was our first time watching the rodeo and demo derby. Very disappointing!!! The clown was awful, absolutely could not entertain or "stall" a crowd. He was bad the first night and imagine our disappointment when lo and behold he's honing his skills at the demo derby also. You know it is bad when the crowd starts the "wave" and keeps it going. I hear through the grapevine that this is not the quality of rodeo and demo derby of past years. So we may try again. But if anyone out there is looking for a good rodeo to go to try Superior Rodeo. They have put on a great show for the last 6 or 7 years for half the money.

Brenda H. has attended 0 times 1/2 found this review helpful.

Sanders County Fair, Plains PRCA Rodeo, Demo Derby & Levi Blom Concert Review Details

The Sanders County Fair, Plains PRCA Rodeo, Demo Derby & Levi Blom Concert reviews contained on this site do not neccessarily reflect the opinions of Rodeo Ticket or our affiliates. We have methods in place to indicate when a review came from a verified attendee. A review without our "verified attendee" seal may have still come from a real attendee, but we were not able to verify it. Look for Sanders County Fair, Plains PRCA Rodeo, Demo Derby & Levi Blom Concert verified attendee reviews that contain this symbol at the bottom of the review: Sanders County Fair, Plains PRCA Rodeo, Demo Derby & Levi Blom Concertverified review

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